How to Create/ Launch A Professional Website: CLASS REPLAY
How to Create/ Launch A Professional Website: CLASS REPLAY
REPLAY VIDEO OF MY LIVE CLASS: How to make a trending website without breaking the bank!
This class is 2 hours, and live of me teaching how to create a website that's professional, fun, and makes your customer checkout!
In this class I teach:
• how to edit and customize a theme W/O coding nor having to pay anyone
• how to make your homepage stand out to new website visitors/customers
- What website to use for themes that are already pre-bulit no custom HTML needed. All you have to do is upload it to shopify and edit it!
- Customizing / editing the main menu and footer menu of your website (Shop, Tops, Pants, etc)
- LIVE Q&A also at the end of this class from girlies like yourself new and just starting an boutique online• GOOGLE SEO the EASY WAY! 🎯